Our hopes being that this will stimulate the industry to read, discuss and give feedback on the topics in order to facilitate and inspire digital progress in the world of hospitality.
Enjoy and please feel free to participate and contribute to the discussion by contacting us!
IHM business school, Stockholm April 2017
Available languages; EN
The global traveller – a story about tourism and culture
“An inspirational workshop together with the classes of, “Konceptutvecklare för turist- och besöksnäringen”. This was made to bridge between the two courses of; Business English and Cross culture communication. Therefore all the material is in English yet based on the theme of giving a better understanding of how to develop concepts for the tourist and the hospitality industry.
During the workshop, the guest, its culture and how it affects how to develop new concepts focus. As it becomes increasingly important in the digital business to have an increased understanding of just this.”
IHM program and Course description
Business English and Cross Cultural Communication
“The ability to communicate and knowledge of cultural differences is crucial in acting in a business-like manner in an international environment and in cross-cultural business relations.”
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